In Mid-September 2020 Industrial Caulk and Seal called a meeting of all critical employees. This meeting was to address ongoing teamwork and communication issues. These issues have grown company wide as a result of both ICS’s unprecedented growth and a world that is changing due to the COVID pandemic.
“COVID has changed the very fabric of how we communicate among the company, our suppliers and our customers,” states Cory Flohr, Vice President: Sales and Marketing, Industrial Caulk and Seal, “… but excellent communication has never been more critical to our success. The teamwork and communication agenda will only serve to make us better individually and as a group.”
As companies throughout the US struggle to maintain pace with today’s new normal, ICS seeks to address the burgeoning problems of internal and external communication head on. The seminar format of last week’s meeting was a positive step in that direction. The format of the meeting surrounded enhanced communication principles outlined in The Culture Code by Daniel Coyle. The Culture Code became assigned reading following the afternoon of interactive workshops by the ICS team.
Industrial Caulk and Seal goal is to be the best company in the industry. The management team sees teamwork and communication between both employees and customers alike to be crucial to this industry-leading mission. The company focuses on teamwork and communication as yet another way to achieve that end.
About Industrial Caulk & Seal
ICS is a nationally recognized commercial contractor serving the Mid-Atlantic and North East. Since 2001, ICS aggressively works towards setting the industry standard. They focus on commercial concrete polishing, commercial caulking and semi-rigid joint fillers, commercial flooring and coatings, and comprehensive floor repair and restoration. Please visit www.industrialcaulkandseal.com for additional information.