Author: Jennifer Faller

concrete stain in a restaurant

Dye or Stain:
Which topical colorant is right for the job?

Architects, designers, customers, owners and most of your staff use the words dye and stain interchangeably. Is there a difference when it comes to choosing a topical colorant? And if so, why does it matter? Turns out the answer is yes and it matters. Stains are ground, insoluble pigment particles […]

delaminating polished concrete

Before polishing: Contractors must remove delamination and do repairs

As we discussed in Concrete 101, concrete is a hard, durable surface made up of cement, aggregate and water. It’s the single, largest, volume-building material used worldwide. All totaled, that equates to about 10 billion tons a year. For the most part, concrete does its job, and we hardly ever […]

the three parts of concrete- water, aggregate and cement

Concrete 101:
Know the basics of mix design

Concrete is a hard, durable substance made up of cement, aggregate and water. Together, these ingredients form concrete, the largest volume-building material used worldwide. Cement acts as the binder, the fine medium. Coarse aggregate gives concrete its compressive strength. And water initiates and promotes the reactions that allow concrete to […]

A single-use wet blanket is one of the methods for curing concrete

Which type of curing should you use for polished concrete?

The definition of curing is providing adequate moisture, temperature and time to allow cement to hydrate and concrete to develop internal strength and abrasion resistance. There are a number of methods for curing concrete. We have compiled them here in one place. Here are the methods for curing concrete Wet […]

Polished Included:
All Concrete Must Be Properly Cured

Curing is defined as providing adequate moisture, temperature and time to allow cement to hydrate and concrete to develop internal strength and abrasion resistance. Properly cured concrete should be the goal for all concrete, not just polished. There are different types of curing. These include: Wet cure involves a uniform […]

What to do?
Polished floor is complete
but client wants more shine

You’ve completely polished the concrete floor but the client wants more shine. Here are the things you’ll need to fulfill the task: High-speed propane burnisher – Ensure the machine is clean and dust free. Blow it out with an air compressor. Then clean an area of the shop floor. Next, […]