Tag: Sealer Problems

Water-beading Characteristics Add to Penetrating Seals’ Appeal

Across the country, there’s a trend afoot when it comes to what people are seeking for their outdoor projects. “They want a natural look that delivers penetrating protection,” says Chris Sullivan, decorative concrete specialist for the American Society of Concrete Contractors and the vice president of sales and marketing for ChemSystems Inc. based in Houston, Texas.

How to Seal Concrete for a Uniform Appearance

This issue of blotchy and inconsistent color and gloss created by a sealer is not that uncommon. There are multiple factors that can create this appearance, but the two most common are application — how the sealer was applied — and surface — what the sealer is being applied to in regard to density and porosity.

Maintaining Sealed Stamped Concrete

What do you think of when you hear the term "sealer maintenance"? If you are like most in the industry, the first thing that comes to mind is waxing or buffing a previously sealed interior floor. Well, with spring upon us, it’s a great time to talk about another kind of sealer maintenance – maintaining exterior stamped or textured concrete.