Business & Technology

From self-cleaning and self-repairing to bendable and glowing, concrete is constantly evolving, regularly bringing technologically improved products to market.

Be a Salesman not a Talesman and Sell More Concrete

There are many stereotypes associated with sales professionals. There’s the slick-dealing used-car salesman type who makes people feel suspicious. There’s the natural-born salesman who walks into the room and is instantly everyone’s new best friend, with talents in every area and the best jokes. Then, there’s the talesman, the unknowingly annoying salesman.

Natural Networking Making Friends Builds Business

As high school students, most of us were encouraged to join a variety of extracurricular activities to build our resumes and make us more well-rounded people. As adults and business owners, joining an association, as well as attending conferences and trade shows, can have some of these same advantages, but they can also help grow your business.